Oct. 24-28

This week we celebrate Red Ribbon Week.  Red Ribbon week is celebrated across the United States each October. The goal is to reach millions of children with the vital message that a healthy mind requires healthy body and we pledge to stay healthy and stay away from all the destructive, harmful things that could hurt our bodies and our mind. 

Here are the activities for each day:

Monday: We are Red-y for Red Ribbon Week! (Come decked in RED!)
Tuesday: We have the POWER make Good Choices!!! (Wear Super Hero Shirts) 

Wednesday: Hats off for being Healthy!(Wear hats to school)

Thursday: It’s Crazy to do Drug!(Wear crazy socks)

Friday: Wake up healthy and strong! (wear pajamas to school)

Monday: Homework folders will come home. 
TuesdayTuesday folders come home. Please return signed Tuesday folders on Wednesday.
Wednesday: Early Release Day.  Dismissal is at 12:00
Thursday: All Library books are due by 8:00 AM
Friday: Homework bag is due! Academy at 7:45

This week:

We will begin learning about Expository Texts.  We will explore the differences between Fiction and Nonfiction texts.  We will learn about nonfiction text features such as photographs as pictures, diagrams, captions, labels, headings and table of contents.  We will also discuss the purpose for reading non-fiction texts, to learn. This week we will focus our learning on Spiders and Bats.


This week we will begin thinking about writing comments on things we know a lot about. since we will learn about Spiders and Bats, we will focus on writing facts about these creatures.  Writers of expository texts are expert at some topics and therefore they write about those topics to teach and inform others. 

We will continue thinking about measurement as we move into telling time.  Students will be able to tell time to the hour by identifying the short hand as the hour hand and the long hand as the minute hand on an analog clock.  We will relate digital clocks to analog clocks and tell time with both.  

This is the last week for our Coins for Coats Drive.  It has been amazing to see the children hard at work counting the coins as they are collected.  We've raised over $300.00 so far!  One of our focuses is Selfless Giving.  We discuss how giving to others makes us feel like we've made a difference in our community. 

We will also learn about our community symbols as we study the US Symbols.  We will discuss their meaning and why symbols like the Liberty Bell are important to our nation's history.  We will also study our state's symbols such as the Texas Flag and the Alamo.

Thank you for stuffing the folders and being willing to help in the classroom or outside the classroom. Your helping hands and hearts are greatly appreciated!
More than anything, thank you for supporting your child's learning at home.  Your child's success and education is a result of, us working together. So thank you for being a partner in your child's learning!